Complete Guide to Guitar Patch Cables

If you want to extend your sound horizons and the amplifier tones make you feel limited, then pedalboard patch cables are right for you. When you are a beginner, you are unaware of a lot of things, for example- matching ohms, or cables, or the right kind of pedalboard wiring. There are many options in the market, but choosing the suitable patch cable depends upon a number of factors, and this article aims to make that process easier for you with the help of a thorough guide.

What Kind of a Pedalboard Should I Begin With?


There are many types of pedalboards used by seasoned players and even beginners. “Distortion pedals” are more flexible than the others as they will let you create your own tones and come with volume controls. “Overdrive pedals” are known for delivering a moderate-gain crunch. Next comes the “Wah Pedal”, which is known for providing a kind of crying sound that seems like it is animated. The use of the Wah pedal becomes more accented with the help of a distortion and overdrive pedal. But if you ask what kind of pedalboard should you begin with, then the answer is- “Tuner pedal”. A tuner pedal is the basic kind of pedal you should have because it keeps you in tune, and that is most important. The Boss TU-3 or the “polytune pedals” from TC Electronic are some of the best tuner pedals.


Importance of a Patch Cable and the Right Way to Connect Pedalboard?


Patch cables are used to connect one pedal with another, and it helps in shortening the total signal length. Needlessto say, if you think of it this way- your guitar, the amplifier, and the pedals are a circuit, and if your signal needs more cable, it will gradually become weaker. A pedalboard patch cable shortens this time. Instead of using a full-length cord of six feet size, patch cables, which are usually six to twelve inches long, do the job more efficiently. If you want to use a simple as well as small pedalboard, then a patch cable would be more useful. But if you wish to have an all-encompassing and larger pedalboard, then you will definitely need to customize the cable lengths according to the pedalboards. Modern patch cables are made in such a way so that the space between pedals is less.


How Should I Power the Pedalboard of My Guitar?

Power supplies are usually provided with the pedals, but you can easily buy one if you are not supplied with power supplies. You only have to make sure that the power supply you are buying matches the pedal’s power requirements. The power supplies convert the alternating current (AC) power from your switchboard to direct current (DC). Most pedals need a minimum voltage of 9V and an electrical current that is less than 100 mA. And you should make sure of the following three things:

  • Voltage: The most common pedals require a voltage of 9V, but pedals that are larger in size might require about 18V power because of their complex circuitry. 

  • Current: Wah or overdrive pedals require much less current than the digital pedals. However, there is nothing to worry about if the current flow is more than what you need. It does not affect the pedal at all.

  • Polarity: Vintage pedals used to have positive polarity, but modern pedals have a negative polarity. The polarity is always marked on the pedals.


Concluding Words

A patch cable is extremely useful if you have pedalboards, and that is why we hope that with the help of this guide, you now have a much clearer idea about pedalboard wiring and what you should be looking for when you are purchasing a pedalboard patch cables. You may be a beginner or a professional, but if you are trying to figure out what kind of patch cables would suit your needs, then this guide is the best for you. With so many brands offering the best patch cables, you can now make an informed decision with the help of this guide. Once you get everything right, you are always good to go. 


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