4 Facts About Flat Ribbon Patch Cables For Your Pedalboard

Cables are something no one might be very interested in thinking about. But you should be. While constantly overlooked, this tiny pedalboard component can be the very key to a seamless experience on the stage where you can rock out your tunes perfectly. A sturdy pedalboard is for sure but have you thought about upgrading your cables? 

Pedalboard wiring has come a long way. From a giant web of fat Straight Cables to marginally space-conserving Right Angle Connectors to further betterment called Pancake Cables. While these may have managed to slightly improve the performance of your pedalboard in the past, it is time to move on to the next big step of evolution specifically designed to remove all pedalboard woes. 

This is it, music gurus. Allow me to introduce you to some of the highlighting features of Flat Patch Cables.

It Is Equipped With A Small Connector

The innovative Flat Patch Cables adorns an incredible space-saving connecter design. Your previous cables had large knobby heads for connectors making it difficult to utilize plugging space properly. The size of Flat Pedal Connectors is sizeably reduced to make most of the space with a clean organized look.  

By physical comparison its is obvious how incredibly small it is but once plugged in, you can visibly notice the real difference on your pedalboard. Its protrusion is barely noticeable! It not only allows space but a neat outlook if you stack them together or over each other. 


The Ribbon Design Makes Everything Better

This may be an obvious pointer given the name of the pedalboard patch cables and its looks. Although you might be unaware of how they also perform better with its new design. The old cables were bulky, they looked messy, made you trip, and harmed your sound quality. Pedalboard Patch cables remove all these inconveniences and allow a secure connection. They are compact and free up space on your Guitar Pedalboard Cables conveniently. Moreover, they ensure low conductor resistance.

Protected By Metal Housing

Flat Pedalboard Cables have the protection of all-metal housing which perfectly shields your conductor and audio signals. Good Flat Pedal Cables are encompassed with twisted copper housing which reduces the nuisance of interference and warrants high-quality sound. Overall, it provides a long-lasting experience for you to keep rocking! 


They Are Very Flexible

I am a musician myself, and I understand the rough and tough usage the cables go through. The good news is Flat Patch Cables are quite sturdy and flexible at the same time!  It is possible to align them, stack over each other the way suits you, bend them wherever, and twist them portable carry to plug whenever. It will not compromise the sound integrity when you maneuver it around or fold it either. They are durable and space-saving as well. 

Final Word

Now that you are all caught up on interesting facts get ready to welcome Flat Pedal Cables to your pedalboard! You can obtain high-quality sound and super space-conserving cables from cable outlets such as TourGear Designs which is the creation of real experts!


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