How Many Types of Guitar Cable Sizes are there?

 If you are a professional guitar player or playing guitar is your hobby, you will have to choose between the types of guitar cables needed. Coming across several different types of cables is very common for electric guitar players. Unless you are using wireless equipment,  you have to acquaint yourself with the proper type of cables.  Guitar pedalboard cables play an essential part when using an electric guitar. You can choose from different types including:   

Guitar Pedalboard Cables

  • XLR Plugs – 

If you want durable plugs, then this is the one that yields the best results. From home studios to professional studios, most of them may be equipped with this plug. You can avoid the separation of the patch cord with the catch mechanism of this plug. It’s divided into two phases – one phase transmits mass and the other two transfer audio cables. To pull out the XLR plug you have to press on the release mechanism.

  • Jack Plugs – 

These plugs are mainly used to connect other audio instruments with the guitar. There are many different sizes when it comes to Jacks which include:

  1. 3.5mm mono – these are used in small microphones or Line-in or Line out audio devices. 
  2. 3.5mm stereo – these are used in headphones or  Line-in or Line out audio devices. 
  3. 6.3mm mono – It is used in larger audio devices or Line-in or Lines out such as a microphone. Send or return effects and loudspeakers. These cables are used the most to connect a guitar with any sound equipment. 
  4. 6.3mm stereo – It is used in combining return and send with many effects devices. Headphones or stereo microphone. 

  • Polyphonic Guitar Cables – 

Polyphonic guitar cables are used to transfer strings to the guitar-synth. It was introduced by a famous company, after which it became a standard cable to be used. It is mainly used to connect the guitar to any sound system or amplifier. 

  • MIDI Cables – 

These cables are used for data transfer. But, these cables were introduced in the market to be used with high-quality stereo equipment. Nowadays these cables are used to transmit MIDI control signals from MIDI transmitting music instruments to computers or amplifiers. This cable does not depend on fast data transmission. 

  • Pedal Board Cables – 

If you are thinking that pedalboard cables have something to do with pedals then you are absolutely right. Pedalboard Patch Cables are used mainly to connect one pedal to the other. They lessen the amount of length that the signal requires to travel. The lesser the length of the cable the stronger the signal remains. 

Choosing the right cables for your guitar is quite important as you can tell by now. The type of cable you use will reflect the quality of the sound, time required to transmit signals, and much more. This is why it's very important to choose the right cable for your guitar whether it be bass or electric.  


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