How Many Types of Guitar Cable Sizes are there?

If you are a professional guitar player or playing guitar is your hobby, you will have to choose between the types of guitar cables needed. Coming across several different types of cables is very common for electric guitar players. Unless you are using wireless equipment, you have to acquaint yourself with the proper type of cables. Guitar pedalboard cables play an essential part when using an electric guitar. You can choose from different types including: XLR Plugs – If you want durable plugs, then this is the one that yields the best results. From home studios to professional studios, most of them may be equipped with this plug. You can avoid the separation of the patch cord with the catch mechanism of this plug. It’s divided into two phases – one phase transmits mass and the other two transfer audio cables. To pull out the XLR plug you have to press on the release mechanism. Jack Plugs – These plugs are mainly used to connect other a...